Monday, May 2, 2016

Generation Terry

Welcome to the Gray family food blog! We are so excited you stopped by to visit. Have you ever wondered how to braise pork? Make a ham sandwich? Create your own black bean delight? Eat on a delicious diet? Chances are, you have! The Grays have wondered all those things and more so we are thrilled to collaborate on this fun family food blog! We will have a wide range of topics sure to catch the eye of one and all. Before we get into the food, we would love to introduce ourselves!

The originals: Generation Terry

TG: The pop corn of the family. Terry loves all things food and science. Chances are you will find him reading up on the latest chemistry craze or trying his newest recipe of potato eggs. His favorite foods include mother’s cooking, chocolate, and applesauce.

Shari: Mom loves to cook for her family. Sit all seven (or more) of the Grays down and she will be happy. In her spare time- is there such a thing?- Shari baby loves to spoil her grandkids and renovate her home.

Jeremy: The eldest of the clan best known as The Magician spends most of his time wielding his cards to beat the commoners. He enjoys the quiet life but when he spends time with the Grays he’s the jokester making pop culture references left and right. He makes a mean taco dish and makes spaghetti better than your mom.

Ariel: The eldest sister, Beans, is a hair cutter extraordinaire. When she’s not playing Sweeney Todd, she loves to be with the plants. Ariel is no stranger to trying new foods. She loves to experiment in the kitchen and hopes someday to become the gardener for the White House.

Rebekah: Rebus is best known for her work in opera and photography. When she’s not breaking wine glasses, however, you can often find her experimenting with the latest cooking on a dime recipes. Genius bargain shopper as she is, you will be sure to try her tasty recipes.

Rachel: As a mother of two, we are all surprised that she has time to cook! But as a super mom she finds a way. Married to a Guathemalan, her specialties include all things black beans. She also loves to find recipes that her kids can help with in the kitchen!

Anastasia: Youngest of the litter, Ana loves to pretend to be on cooking shows. Just call her sous sous chef and she will bake you anything. When she is not in the kitchen, Ana loves fashion, home decor, and being a hostess.

1 comment:

  1. Anastasia, you're the most hilarious thing I know.
